Object Writing - Kerosene

Busy days of shows at the fair but time in between for....

The word, "Kerosene", unedited writing practice, 10 minutes, go!...

It was as though the mood hanging in the room was dripping with kerosene and one more
misunderstood or misspoken outburst would send the whole living room up in flames of anger. Resentment was rising like the pungent smell of lighter fluid. Tongue strikes teeth and roof of mouth and sparks fly. Eyes aflame and glowing like charcoal briquettes. Lethal drop of sweat down his back, an uncomfortable sign of poison disagreements. A foot pensively tapping on dark wood floor under the coffee table is like a flame licking against his self control. He wants to jump up and spew dragon fire, burning any other opinions to a deadly crisp. Knuckles cracking like a snapping campfire as...

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