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The Road Is Full Of Surprises 

The road is full of surprises. 

What was once a nice peacefully whimsical night time city view of downtown Wilmington, NC from the 5th floor, which I really was enjoying, turned into the majestic Jurassic Period outside my window the next morning. Started after 7am, mainly with a reverberating, earth-trembling, mega-thud. From my horizontal position on dreamy king-size sheets, I felt the Hilton, the whole building, actually bounce a second or two.

Bulldozers resembling the skeletons of menacing T-rex's commenced to munching on demolition-size, concrete parking structure tidbits. Was probably going to go on the whole day, too. No use trying to sleep. No, that's okay, I only got to bed by 2am. 

1.... hour... later.... [Say with fake French accent ala Sponge Bob Square Pants]

Okay, they delightfully change my room to across the hall. And how fitting since it was now gazing upon the Cape Fear River on Halloween day!!

Moral of the story, I guess: Do not be afraid of change or...clean your room when you have company (readers) over.


My friends,

I've have decided to leave Hotel California for other musical adventures. Hence, my nine+ year run with the boys has come to a close.

I'm immensely grateful for the band for seeing in me a player they would want to work with and thankful for the privilege of bringing the Eagles' music to you all and, at the same time, growing as a performer. Hotel California and I part as good friends, and I wish them well on their continued musical journeys and sell-out shows! They are set to have another stupendous year in 2015!

I've got a lot of songs to finish, and more to write. I'm really excited about that! I'll still be gigging, maybe doing more online stuff. I'll maybe see some of you on the road again at another time perhaps?  

Stick around here for more new music. Thanks always for your support!

~ Steve