What Are You Doing.....?

February 21st Edition:

New songs are coming along. Always intrigued with new writing techniques to stay away from the dreaded "writer's block" It ain't gonna happen, now that I have my new tools handy! [Adjusts tool belt] 

I've been thinking that it would fun or (or maybe disturbing-lol) to post song progress clips here on the website soon. Maybe weekly? I'm talking like "raw, unedited, not-singing-perfectly kind of tracks".I don't know....thinking. Lol Some newer songs in progress are:

"Houston in the Blind" (My 70's space song!)
"Live On' (My attempt at Inspirational, Acoustic-Based Contemp.Singer/Songwriter with a Pop appeal)
"Just Beautiful" (Trying out the new songwriter "tools")

PLUS: Got two more older songs re-mastered within the last week for album #3. (Remember my promise....or threat.... to put out three albums?) Continuing with that task.

Oh and don't forget, I'm doing 3-5...6 gigs a week plus being a busy at-home husband and dad. I'm not cranking out original music 12 hours a day like some may be able to. But I press on!

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