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Taxi Music Forward -Middle Eastern Trap Instrumental 

..Which means: “Hey cool track, I'm going to pass this on. It may be usable to the TV/Film/Publishing pro that will hear it next."

I thought I'd try to get that sound you hear when pulling up behind, beside, or wherever to a rumbling someone stopped at a traffic light. You know the sound. I tried to tap into that vibe. Your welcome! Lol 

A Bunch of TRAP INSTRUMENTALS with Middle Eastern Flavor are needed by a leading EXCLUSIVE Music Licensing Company for a bunch of ongoing placements that will air on Middle Eastern-themed TV programs and Documentaries. They could also air anywhere in the world, not just the Middle East! This company is distributed internationally by Universal Music! 

Send them Mid-To-Up-Tempo Instrumentals in the general stylistic ballpark of the references below: 

"HABIBI" by H E M I S P H E R E 

"Hafla" by ISRAEL BEATS 

"Ghazal" by GIP$Y HUSSLE 

Please submit modern, rhythmically engaging Instrumentals that seamlessly marry Trap beats and production with overtly Middle Eastern-influenced melodies, scales, and instrumentation. Please be sure that your production and any virtual instruments or samples you use sound high-quality and modern – nothing low-quality or dated will work for this request. 

TAXI Tip: Your submissions can include some Middle Eastern-sounding non-lyrical Vocal elements, but keep them sparse and at a minimum! Oohs, Ahs, etc. – no words! 

Your submissions should be around 3 minutes in length, give or take, and no shorter than 2 minutes and 30 seconds. Non-faded, buttoned/stinger endings will work best. Do NOT copy the references in any way, shape, or form. Use them only as a general guide for tempo, tone, and overall vibe. Do NOT submit any material with unauthorized samples of any other artists’ music, sounds, or any other form of media. Broadcast Quality is needed.

2 Taxi Music Forwards - Fun, Quirky, Dramedy-Style Instrumentals 

..Which means: “Hey cool track, I'm going to pass this on. It may be usable to the TV/Film/Publishing pro that will hear it next."

2 tracks sent on. The first one is brand new.

Several FUN, QUIRKY DRAMEDY-Style INSTRUMENTAL CUES are needed by a premier Production Music Library with an extensive history of great placements! 

They’re looking for Mid-to-Up-Tempo Instrumental Cues in the general stylistic ballpark of the following references: 

"Hidden Agenda" by Kevin MacLeod 

"Funny Music Instrumental" 

"You Don't Know What You're Talking About" by Steve Barden 

Please submit well-produced Dramedy-style Instrumental Cues that have a fun, quirky vibe and sound. Craft your Cues around a singular motif and mood, and create a sense of forward momentum and dynamics by layering instruments in and out as your Cue progresses. We think instruments like pizzicato strings, piano, glockenspiel, bassoon, etc., etc., etc. could work well, but don't limit yourself to just those ideas. If you're using virtual instruments or samples, be sure that they don't sound dated, overly quantized, or obviously MIDI-driven. 

TAXI Tip: They're looking for stuff that's light and fun, so please avoid submitting anything dark, sad, or melancholy! 

All submissions should be about 2 minutes long, give or take. Non-faded, Buttoned/Stinger endings are strongly encouraged for this request. Do NOT copy the referenced Cues in any way, shape, or form. Use them only as a general guide for feel, texture, tone, and vibe. Broadcast Quality is needed.


Video! - Original Orchestral Track Set to Picture 

After a short study of the chord structure and melody from John William's Theme for Jurassic Park, I wrote a piece for a music pitch and orchestrated it mainly using Spitfire's BBC Symphony Orchestra Core library samples with a little help from EastWest Hollywood Orchestra.

While it was sent on to a music library for further consideration, I went ahead and found some public domain footage for my experiment.

By the way, I came up with the title after needing an ear break while I was working on this. I step outside, gazing upon our garden at home and it popped into my head and sort of...."grew" on me. 

Here's the track by itself:

Taxi Music....Backward - The Track I Forgot to Submit! 

Wow, I was disappointed. I wrote a short piece of music for a specific pitch looking for "election" music.

I uploaded it but FORGOT to pitch it! Now what to do with it? I know, make a silly video featuring my exciting original score.

Here's the track on it's own:


Taxi Music Forward - Hopeful, Inspiring Instrumentals 

..Which means: “Hey cool track, I'm going to pass this on. It may be usable to the TV/Film/Publishing pro that will hear it next."

Hopeful? Inspiring? Why of course, I'll go back to the orchestra. 

Once again, it's Spitfire's BBC Symphony Orchestra Core Sample Library for the majority of this track with some help from EastWest Composer Cloud for piano, choir, drums, and percussion.


Lots of HOPEFUL and INSPIRING INSTRUMENTALS are needed by a very active and fast-growing Music Licensing Company! 

This client is looking a bunch of Instrumentals in the general stylistic range of the following examples: 

"Life Is a Game" - Fearless Motivation Instrumentals 

“Blue Ice” by Olexandr Ignatov 

“Adventure” by Morninglightmusic 

Please submit well-composed Instrumentals that convey an inspiring and hopeful feel, spirit, and vibe. Your submissions can be composed of Electronic, Organic, or Orchestral Instrumentation or a hybrid of any combination of the three! If you’re going to use samples or Virtual Instruments, please make sure they sound convincing and real. There are many possibilities that could work for this request. Please be sure your instrumentals feel uplifting and have a developmental “arc” that builds throughout. 

TAXI Tip: Your submissions should stick to one central motif, mood, and emotion from beginning to end. 

Your Instrumentals can be anywhere from 60 seconds to 3+ minutes in length; however, 2:30 to 3:00 is ideal, per the client. Non-Faded, Button/Stinger endings will work best for this request. Do NOT copy the referenced examples in any way, shape, or form. Use only as a general guide for tempo, tone, and overall vibe. Broadcast Quality is needed.

Taxi Music Forward - Modern, Orchestral-Hybrid Instrumental 

..Which means: “Hey cool track, I'm going to pass this on. It may be usable to the TV/Film/Publishing pro that will hear it next."

Just piano, strings, and harp for this one based on a BMW commercial. It was nice exercise in starting with a pensive musical mood releasing into a building, hopefulness. :) An added, "Well played and orchestrated!" critique gives me confidence to keep looking ahead.

A Bunch of MODERN ORCHESTRAL-HYBRID INSTRUMENTALS are needed by a very active and fast-growing Music Licensing Company! 

This client is looking for Mid-To-Up-Tempo Instrumentals that are in the general ballpark of the following examples: 

Vision Mercedes-Maybach 6 Cabriolet: Revelation of Luxury | Trailer 

2019 Lexus ES Luxury Sedan Experience (From 0:00 - 2:20) 

BMW Commercial 

Please send original Orchestral-Hybrid Instrumentals with a sophisticated feel and vibe. While your arrangements can include Organic and/or Electronic instrumentation, modern high-quality string sounds should be the focus. Please be sure any Orchestral instrumentation you use is well-played and articulated. Anything that’s obviously synthetic-sounding won't work for this company. If your pieces sound like they would work in the background of a luxury car commercial, you’re probably on the right track! 

TAXI Tip: Please be sure your submissions stick to one central motif, mood, and style from beginning to end. Your submissions should be well structured and have developmental “arcs” that build throughout. 

Your Instrumentals can be anywhere from 60 seconds to 3+ minutes in length; however, 2:30 to 3:00 is ideal, per the client. Non-Faded, Stinger endings will work best for this request. Do NOT copy the referenced examples in any way, shape, or form. Use only as a general guide for tempo, tone, and overall vibe. Broadcast Quality is needed.


Taxi Music Forward - Epic, Cinematic Instrumental 

..Which means: “Hey cool track, I'm going to pass this on. It may be usable to the TV/Film/Publishing pro that will hear it next."

Once again, it's Spitfire's BBC Symphony Orchestra Core Sample Library for the majority of this track with some help from EastWest Composer Cloud for piano, choir, drums, and percussion.

 Utilized more of the woodwind section for this adventure. 

EPIC, CINEMATIC INSTRUMENTAL CUES are needed by a very successful boutique Music Library that's distributed by Universal and has tons of credits in Big Films, Countless TV Shows, and Commercials! 

This is a catalog you want to be in! Please listen to the following examples our client gave us to get yourself in the ballpark of what they need: 

The Bravery by Sky Mubs (From 0:00 - 1:31) 

Never Give Up by Walter Bergmann (From 0:00 - 1:18) 

Quoting The Music Library: “These reference tracks are intended to inspire you and help you understand what we’re after. We recommend you use these listening examples only until they complete the first climax section." 

Please submit well-composed Instrumental Cues that deliver an epic, cinematic vibe in the general ballpark of the references above. Submissions should have ONE clear compositional concept/motif per Instrumental Cue and should continuously build throughout. Stick to a singular mood so that your submissions are cohesive from top to bottom. Please avoid very prominent melodies, and instead use understated motifs and accents that complement the patterns/textures. 

Your instrumentation can be Organic, Orchestral, Electronic, or a hybrid, as long as your Instrumental Cues have tons of epic energy that builds as they progress. Please be sure any instrumentation you use sounds realistic, and not stiff or synthetic. Top-notch programming, and the use of excellent samples and virtual instruments are all requirements for this pitch. 

All submissions should be about 2 minutes long, give or take. Good edit points and Non-Faded, Buttoned/Stinger endings are required. Broadcast Quality is needed. 

NOTE: This company is only interested in signing material from composers who have worked with music libraries and music licensing companies in the past, and understand how those deals work. If you don't understand the drill on library deals, they politely ask that you don't submit to this request. 

This Music Library offers an EXCLUSIVE deal with a cool twist.  You’ll keep 50% of all gross income generated by your music, plus you’ll retain 100% of the Writer’s share income generated by your PRO. In other words, if the company licenses your music under a blanket deal, you’ll get income. If they license it for a YouTube video, you’ll get income. Not all music libraries pay you for things like that! The Publisher will get 100% of the Publisher’s share.


Taxi Music Forward - Hopeful, Inspiring Instrumental 

..Which means: “Hey cool track, I'm going to pass this on. It may be usable to the TV/Film/Publishing pro that will hear it next."

This pitch called for a bigger production, so I dared to come up with something. I'm ecstatic about making it through the gate with this one! 

I do not have any formal training in composing and arranging for orchestra. So I humbly relied on my God-given "ear" to make it all come together somehow. Absolutely love the outcome! At no time was a guitar played during the making of this musical piece! So weird, right?

I recently acquired Spitfire's BBC Symphony Orchestra Core Sample Library for the majority of this track with some help from EastWest Composer Cloud for piano, choir, and percussion.

 There's another big orchestral track as well I'll be posting about shortly.

A Bunch of HOPEFUL, INSPIRING INSTRUMENTALS are needed by a European Music Licensing Company with an impressive list of placements in Film, TV, and Commercials! 

Please submit well-composed Instrumentals that are emotionally uplifting and full of hope. Your submissions can be composed of Electronic, Organic, or Orchestral Instrumentation, or a hybrid of any combination of the three! There are many possibilities that could work for this request. Please be sure your submissions feel uplifting and have a developmental “arc” that builds throughout. 

TAXI TIP: If you plan to use virtual instruments, please be sure that they sound like the real thing. Synthetic or obviously MIDI-driven material will not work for this pitch.


Taxi Music Forward - Emotionally Uplifting Orchestral Instrumentals 

..Which means: “Hey cool track, I'm going to pass this on. It may be usable to the TV/Film/Publishing pro that will hear it next."

I've truly enjoyed my little musical tangent into writing orchestral tracks. More to come!

Several EMOTIONALLY UPLIFTING ORCHESTRAL INSTRUMENTAL CUES are needed by a very successful boutique Music Library that's distributed by Universal and has tons of credits in Big Films, Countless TV Shows, and Commercials! 

This is a catalog you want to be in! Please listen to the following examples our client gave us to get yourself in the ballpark of what they need: 

Instrumental Examples 

Quoting The Music Library: “These reference tracks are intended to inspire you and help you understand what we’re after. The examples should give you a deeper and more intuitive feel for the main aspects of composition, mood, and sound, but in no way are we asking you to copy them. We’re looking for your own unique interpretation.” 

The client is looking for Inspiring Instrumental Cues that start quietly and build to a lush, dramatic climax. Submissions should have ONE clear compositional concept per Cue and should continuously build throughout. Please avoid very prominent melodies, and instead use understated motifs and accents that complement the patterns/textures. 

Your Instrumental Cues should be primarily Orchestral-based, and should be relatively minimalistic in their arrangements. They are NOT looking to hear epic trailer style Instrumental Cues for this request. It’s fine to have a few lower percussion hits in isolated spots, but in general, stay away from anything that sounds too big or grand. 

TAXI Tip: Please be sure any Orchestral instrumentation you use sounds realistic, and not stiff or synthetic. Top-notch programming, and the use of excellent samples and virtual instruments are all requirements for this pitch. 

All submissions should be about 2 minutes long, give or take. Good edit points and Non-Faded, Buttoned/Stinger endings are required. Broadcast Quality is needed.

2 Tracks Forwarded, 4 Tracks Signed 

So the way it works, you get 2 tracks sent to a music library, they email you they would like to sign them and ask if you have anymore.

Why, yes I think to myself. [Open email. Attach, Send]

Moral of the story: Sign 4 tracks! Oh, and also, work hard at getting your work up to snuff.

Still, it doesn't guarantee a placement on TV or in film, but it gets me that much closer. In the meantime, I'll keep writing.

Taxi Music Forward - Investigative Tension Instrumental Cue 

..Which means: “Hey cool track, I'm going to pass this on. It may be usable to the TV/Film/Publishing pro that will hear it next."

Lots of INVESTIGATIVE TENSION INSTRUMENTALS and/or INSTRUMENTAL CUES are needed by a BRAND NEW Music Library that's being started by a successful Editor for Major TV shows! 

They need a bunch of Investigative Tension Instrumentals and/or Cues in a variety of tempos and styles. Please listen to the references below to get a generalidea of what they need: 

"Crime Scene" by Thomas Ferriere 

Police Investigation Underscore Music 

"The Crime Scene" by Kaae & Batz 

Please send well-composed Instrumentals (and/or Cues) that could enhance the investigative tone found in Crime-related TV Shows and Films! Stick to a singular motif and mood throughout, so your pieces are cohesive from top to bottom. Your Instrumentals (and/or Cues) can be composed around Electronic and/or Orchestral Instrumentation. Keep your submissions on the simple side and remember that this is all about setting a mood! 

TAXI Tip: This new catalog is being built from the ground up, so the company will need a LOT of pieces in this style. If you can picture your Instrumentals (and/or Cue) working in Investigative Crime shows like: CSI, NCIS, or Criminal Minds, send them in! 

All submissions should be about 2 to 4 minutes long for Instrumentals and roughly 90 seconds to 2 minutes for Cues, give or take. Non-Faded, buttoned/stinger endings will work best. Do NOT copy the references in any way, shape, or form. Use them only as a general guide for tempo, tone, texture, and overall vibe. Broadcast Quality is needed.

Taxi Music Forward - Orchestral-Based Tension Instrumentals 

..Which means: “Hey cool track, I'm going to pass this on. It may be usable to the TV/Film/Publishing pro that will hear it next."

Need less to say in 2020 I've had a lot of time to hone some skills in sound library production and "orchestration "  (<< I humbly mentioned that word as I've had no training at this. I'm only relying on my ear to figure out what sounds good and interesting to generate the mood needed for this music request)

Yesterday, I received an email from the music library stating their desire to sign these two tracks. So, um, YES! 

Lots of ORCHESTRAL-Based TENSION INSTRUMENTALS and/or INSTRUMENTAL CUES are needed by a BRAND NEW Music Library that's being started by a successful Editor for Major TV shows! 

They 're looking for a bunch of Tension Instrumentals and/or Cues in a variety of tempos. Please listen to the references below to get a general idea of what they need: 

The Shahs of Sunset (Starting From 0:08 – 0:22) 

“RHONJ” (Starting From 1:30 – 2:17) 

Please send well-composed Instrumentals (and/or Cues) that use Orchestral instrumentation to evoke tense, anxious, and anticipatory feelings. While your Instrumentals (or Cues) should be Orchestral-based, they’re open to arrangements that include some additional organic or electronic elements if used tastefully and sparingly. 

Please be sure that your Orchestral instrumentation is well-played, sounds authentic, and feels believable. Any material that sounds stiff, synthetic, or obviouslyMIDI-driven will not work for this request. Sticking with one musical idea/theme/motif from start to finish is strongly recommended, as it could make your pieces easier to use. 

All submissions should be about 2 to 4 minutes long for Instrumentals and roughly 90 seconds to 2 minutes for Cues, give or take. Non-Faded, buttoned/stinger endings will work best. Do NOT copy the examples in any way, shape, or form. Use them only as a general guide for tempo, tone, texture, and overall vibe. Broadcast Quality is needed.

I wrote three tracks for the pitch. This one below was the first I wrote before the forwarded tracks above, but was passed on. I got a little crazy with the new BBC Symphony Orchestra sound library 

Taxi Music Forward - Contemporary Country 

..Which means: “Hey cool track, I'm going to pass this on. It may be usable to the TV/Film/Publishing pro that will hear it next."

This is the second time this song was forwarded for myself and co-writer, Mary Lyn Bates. (Our first forward was "Stupid Little Heart")

CONTEMPORARY COUNTRY SONGS with Male Vocals are needed by a great Music Row Publisher for a CMA-nominated, Billboard-charting act who’s working on his next record! 

Please submit great Songs in All Tempos that could be found on a playlist with artists like: 

"Young Once" by Sam Hunt 

"Make Me Want To” by Jimmie Allen 

“Tn Whiskey” by Blanco Brown 

Please submit top-shelf, Contemporary Country Songs that would sound at home on today’s Country radio stations and/or charts. Please be sure your submissions have great melodies, memorable choruses, and visually descriptive, conversational lyric approaches. Having some R&B flavored vocals with a bit of a Pop delivery, wrapped up in a current Country way could help get this Music Publisher and Artist excited about cutting your Songs! 

Stripped-Down Demos and full productions are both okay to submit, as long as your Songs are great and your recordings are clean, clear, and well-balanced! 

NOTEWORTHY: If time permits, someone from the Publisher's staff (who has been trained as a TAXI screener) will screen for this request. That means that somebody who is directly involved in this request and ultimate pitch could be "ears-on" with your submissions. 

Taxi Music Forward - Comedic Instrumental Cue 

..Which means: “Hey cool track, I'm going to pass this on. It may be usable to the TV/Film/Publishing pro that will hear it next."

With live performances and gigs on hiatus, I'm cranking out the tracks, upping my skills, trying to get "through the doors".

A LOT of COMEDIC INSTRUMENTALS and/or CUES are needed by a globally recognized Production Music Library with an awesome history of great placements! 

They’re searching for a wide range of Mid-To-Up-Tempo Instrumentals and/or Cues in the general style, vibe, and sound of these silly examples: 

Funny Music For Videos | Funny Background Music For Bloopers And Gaming Videos 

Funny Music For Videos | Funny Background Music Instrumental 

Best of Just Kidding Pranks (From 5:14 – 5:20) 

Just for Laughs (From 4:00 – 6:32) 

Please send well-crafted Instrumentals and/or Cues that capture the funny, slapstick, and quirky style of the references above and other tracks in that genre. Your instrumentation and production approaches can vary, as long as they have a silly and goofy vibe. Think of the type of music that would accompany a compilation of “epic fails” on shows like America’s Funniest Videos, Wipeout, or Ridiculousness! That's what they need! 

TAXI Tip: We do not recommend adding sound effects to your Instrumentals and/or Cues! A light, slide whistle? Ok! Some marching band elements? Sure! But no bull horns, splats, punches, or other wacky sound effects. If they need them, they’ll add them in post-production. 

All submissions should be about 90 seconds long, give or take. Solid edit points and Non-Faded, Buttoned/Stinger endings are strongly encouraged. Please do not copy the referenced examples in any way, shape, or form. Use them only as a general guide for tempo, texture, tone, and vibe. Broadcast quality is needed. 

Taxi Music Forward - Investigative Tension Instrumental Cue 

..Which means: “Hey cool track, I'm going to pass this on. It may be usable to the TV/Film/Publishing pro that will hear it next."

With live performances and gigs on hiatus, I'm cranking out the tracks, upping my skills, trying to get "through the doors".

Lots of INVESTIGATIVE TENSION INSTRUMENTAL CUES are needed by a hard-working Music Library that’s constantly landing cool placements in TV Shows. 

They need a bunch of Instrumental Cues in this style! Please listen to the following reference the Music Library provided to us to get an idea of the style and sound they're after: 

“Pandemic Response” by Steve Barden 

TAXI Tip: To get some general tips on composing and selecting sounds for this style of Instrumental Cue, please check out this TAXI TV Episode of Steve Barden crafting the reference above: TAXI TV 

Please submit well-composed Instrumental Cues that could enhance the emotion and mood, in a variety of investigative scenes and scenarios. Think of what you might hear in investigation-based shows like CSI, NCIS, and Criminal Minds. 

TAXI TIP: Although some CSI-style Cues can be more “techie-sounding," for this request he’s looking for arrangements that incorporate more organic-sounding instrumentation, as heard in the reference. Save the "heavily arpeggiated" forensic-type stuff for other requests! 

Be sure to craft your Cues around suspenseful and tension-filled melodic ideas. Keep them simple, while adding new layers of instrumentation as they progress to create dynamics, interest, and forward momentum. Remember that this is all about setting the mood! 

All submissions should clock in around 90 seconds to 2 minutes, give or take. Non-Faded, Button/Stinger endings will work best for this request. Do NOT copy the referenced example in any way, shape, or form. Use it only as a general guide for tempo, texture, tone, and overall vibe. Broadcast Quality is needed. 

NOTE: This Library is NOT interested in composers that turn in 1 or 2 tracks every couple of months. They want composers they can work closely with – the kind that would be able to deliver an album’s worth of production music within 8 to 10 weeks of signing with the library! This is a great opportunity to build an ongoing relationship.

Taxi Music Forward - Hip-Hop-Flavored Country 

..Which means: “Hey cool track, I'm going to pass this on. It may be usable to the TV/Film/Publishing pro that will hear it next."

This is the second forward for myself and co-writer, Mary Lyn Bates. (Our first forward was "Stupid Little Heart")

I don't consider my production skills in this genre are super strong, so I just worked up what I call a simple demo with as much of that "country swagger" as I could muster. I imagine a genuine country dude could really make use of this on their next project [wink, wink].

CHART-WORTHY HIP-HOP-Flavored COUNTRY SONGS (Hick-Hop) with Male Vocals are needed by a well-known Music Row-based Publisher for a CMA-nominated act that’s looking for his next single! 

They’re looking for Mid-to-Up-Tempo Songs that would appeal to the fans of acts and Songs like: 

"Back to Them Backroad" by Colt Ford ft. Jimmie Allen 

"Thats All We Know" by Jawga Boyz 

"Old Town Road " by Lil Nas X 

Please submit contemporary-sounding Country Songs that have a Rap/Hip-Hop style, with authentic Country instrumentation and Hip-Hop beats. Be sure to have solid vocal deliveries, original storylines with fresh lyrical perspectives, and super-catchy, memorable choruses! 

TAXI Tip: Your submissions can be well-crafted, stripped-down demos or fuller productions, as long as what you send in is competitive with what they’ll get from writers on the Row. 

The specific deal points will be negotiated on a Song-by-Song basis directly with the Publisher. Please submit as many Songs as you’d like, online or per CD, and please include lyrics. All submissions will be screened and critiqued by TAXI. Submissions must be received no later than 11:59 PM (PDT) on Sunday, May 10th, 2020.  TAXI # S200510HC

Taxi Music Forward - Quirky, Humorous Dramedy Inst. 

..Which means: “Hey cool track, I'm going to pass this on. It may be usable to the TV/Film/Publishing pro that will hear it next."

4th time for this one!

A BUNCH of QUIRKY and HUMOROUS DRAMEDY-Style INSTRUMENTAL CUES are needed by a globally recognized Production Music Library with an awesome history of great placements! 

They’re searching for a lot of Mid-To-Up-Tempo Instrumental Cues in the general stylistic wheelhouse of these examples: 

Funny Bone - Upbeat Background Music 

"Desperate Elves" by Steve Barden 

Funny Background Music | Silly And Awkward Comedy Music 

Please send fun Dramedy Instrumental Cues that could work well under quirky and funny scenes. Build your Cues around a central melodic theme, while adding and subtracting layers of instrumentation as they progress to create dynamics, forward momentum, and a developmental arc. You can use a variety of instrumentation, as long as your Cues sound quirky and a bit silly, overall – but don’t get too carried away! 

All submissions should be about 90 seconds long, give or take. Solid edit points and Non-Faded, Buttoned/Stinger endings are strongly encouraged. Please do not copy the referenced examples in any way, shape, or form. Use it only as a general guide for tempo, texture, tone, and vibe. Broadcast quality is needed. 

Taxi Music Forward - Original Classical Instrumental 

..Which means: “Hey cool track, I'm going to pass this on. It may be usable to the TV/Film/Publishing pro that will hear it next."

Two for for this one! I would love to write some more like this. 

It seemed a daunting task but I've always been drawn to the orchestral. Had no idea I could write this stuff (including the meticulous manipulating of sampled instruments), but accepted the challenge to make it somewhat believable.

ORIGINAL CLASSICAL INSTRUMENTALS – in a variety of Moods, Styles, Tempos, and Ensemble sizes – are needed by a globally recognized Production Music Library with an awesome history of great placements! 

Please listen to the references below to get an idea of the styles they’re looking for: 

"Springtime" by Luke Faulkner 

"IV, Spider Knows His Craft" by Alexander Litvinovsky 

"The Falls" by Ennio Morricone 

Please submit ORIGINAL, well-crafted Classical Instrumentals with authentic-sounding Instrumentation that sounds like a real orchestra played by realmusicians. Your submissions can range from a small ensemble of strings to a full-blown orchestra, and anything in-between, as long as they sound like the real deal! Any instrumentation that sounds stiff, synthetic, or MIDI-driven will not work for this pitch. Here’s your chance to show off your compositional writing chops, folks! 

TAXI Tip:  Please be sure any samples/virtual instruments you use sound very authentic, with great dynamics and articulation. 

Your submissions can be around 2 to 4 minutes long and should have Non-faded endings. Do NOT copy the referenced composers or Instrumentals in any way shape or form. Use them only as a general guide for tone, texture, and overall vibe. Broadcast Quality is needed. 

Taxi Music Forward - Comedic Urban Dramedy Inst. Cue 

..Which means: “Hey cool track, I'm going to pass this on. It may be usable to the TV/Film/Publishing pro that will hear it next."

3rd time for this one!

COMEDIC URBAN DRAMEDY INSTRUMENTAL CUES are needed by a new division of a Music Licensing Company that gets tons of placements in TV Shows and is now expanding! 

NOTE: They’re currently building a few new catalogs, so this is a killer opportunity to start a relationship with an awesome company! 

They're looking for Mid-to-Up-Tempo Instrumental Cues with a similar vibe and sound as heard in these examples: 

Black Ink Crew (Starting From 2:29 – 3:03) 

Married to Medicine (Starting From 2:09 – 2:20) 

Check Yourself (Starting From 0:07 – 0:20) 

Please send well-produced Urban Dramedy Cues that could be used in a variety of mischievous and comedic scenes in Reality TV Shows. Your Cues should have contemporary-sounding instrumentation and be built around rhythmic, Urban/Hip-Hop beats. As always, be sure to structure your Cues around a central melodic theme while adding and subtracting instrumentation as they progress to give them some dynamics, forward momentum and a developmental “arc.” 

TAXI Tip: Imagine the type of music that would be playing when a group of people is hanging out cracking jokes or when a prank is about to be played on someone! That’s what they’re looking for! 

All submissions should be about 90 seconds to 2 minutes in length (give or take). Non-faded, Buttoned/Stinger endings will work best. Please do NOT copy the referenced material in any way, shape or form. Use them only as a general guide for tempo, texture, tone and overall vibe.  Broadcast Quality is needed. 

This company offers an EXCLUSIVE deal. You’ll split any upfront sync fees 50/50. They’ll get 100% of the Publisher’s share, and you’ll get 100% of the Writer’s share. You must own or control 100% of your Master and Copyright. Since this is an EXCLUSIVE deal, please be sure the material you submit for this pitch is NOT already signed with other Libraries or Catalogs.

Taxi Music Forward - Tension, Middle Eastern Drone Cue 

..Which means: “Hey cool track, I'm going to pass this on. It may be usable to the TV/Film/Publishing pro that will hear it next."

Several TENSION-BASED, MIDDLE EASTERN DRONE INSTRUMENTAL CUES are needed by a leading Music Licensing Company for a bunch of ongoing placements in Middle Eastern TV programs and Documentaries as well! 

They’re looking for quite a few Down-Tempo Instrumental Cues that would fall within the general stylistic ballpark of the following examples: 

"Eyn" by Burak Malçok, Serkan Alkan 

Rescuing Ex-Muslims: Leaving Islam (from 2:39 - 3:10) 

Please submit subtly textured Instrumental Cues with very little to no melodic movement. Your submissions should have a consistent, droning quality and include hints of Middle Eastern instruments, melodies, and/or percussion. Please be sure to stick to a singular vibe and sound throughout each of your Cues to keep your submissions emotionally cohesive from beginning to end. They need a bunch of Cues in this style, so if you can picture your Cues working in a Documentary about the Middle East on the Vice Network, send them in! 

NOTE: Your submissions can include some minimal sound design elements, but don’t go crazy! Be sure to keep your Cues fairly simple, which is ultimately what works best for this type of request. Less is more, and they'll be looking for mood and vibe more than compositional brilliance. 

Your submissions should be at least 90 seconds long. Non-faded endings with a natural decay/ring out will work best. Please do NOT copy the referenced examples in any way, shape, or form. Use them only as a general guide for tempo, texture, tone, and overall vibe. Broadcast quality is needed.

Taxi Music Forward - Investigative Tension Instrumental Cue 

..Which means: “Hey cool track, I'm going to pass this on. It may be usable to the TV/Film/Publishing pro that will hear it next."

3rd time for this one!

INVESTIGATIVE TENSION INSTRUMENTAL CUES are needed by a fast-growing European Music Library that's building a new catalog and is looking for a bunch of music in this style! 

NOTE: We previously ran this request as a TAXI Dispatch Listing (#D191223CT), but the company still needs MORE material! If you submitted to TAXI Listing #D191223CT, please send in different material this time around. 

They need a bunch of Investigative Cues in a variety of tempos, with moods ranging from tension and suspense to danger, distress, and anticipation! Please listen to the references below to get a general idea of the style and range they need: 

Crime Scene - CSI Suspense Music 

Stealth Music - Crime Scene 

Please submit well-produced Instrumental Cues that could enhance the investigative tone found in Crime-related TV Shows and Films! Craft your Cues around a simple, tension-inducing idea, and gradually add elements to create dynamics and interest as they progress. Your Instrumental Cues can be composed around Electronic and/or Orchestral Instrumentation, but don’t overdo it with this request! Keep your Cues on the simple side and remember that this is all about setting a mood! 

TAXI Tip: For this request, you'd be wise to lean towards Tension Instrumental Cues that sound like they would be heard in a show like CSI. 

All submissions should be at least 90 seconds long (give or take), with non-faded, button endings. Do NOT copy the referenced music in any way, shape, or form. Use it only as a guide for tempo, texture, tone, and overall vibe. Broadcast Quality is needed. 

Taxi Music Forward - Comedic Dramedy Instrumental Cue 

..Which means: “Hey cool track, I'm going to pass this on. It may be usable to the TV/Film/Publishing pro that will hear it next."

2nd time for this one!

COMEDIC DRAMEDY INSTRUMENTAL CUES are needed by a premier Production Music Library with an extensive history of great placements! 

They’re looking for Mid-to-Up-Tempo Instrumental Cues that could stylistically be right up the alley of (but not limited to) these examples: 

“Sneaky Snitch” by Kevin MacLeod 


RHOBH | Bravo   (From 1:13 – 2:09) 

Please send them well-composed Instrumental Cues that could be used in a variety of funny, playful, and comedic scenes in TV Shows. Build your Cues around a central melodic theme while adding and subtracting layers of instrumentation as they progress to add dynamics, interest, and some forward momentum. Think of what you might hear when a prank is being played or when a funny moment is happening in a scene. That’s exactly the kind of music they’re looking for! 

All submissions should be about 2 minutes long, give or take. Non-faded, Buttoned/Stinger endings are strongly encouraged for this pitch. Do NOT copy the referenced Cues in any way, shape, or form. Use them only as a general guide for feel, texture, tone, and vibe. Broadcast quality is needed.

Taxi Music Forward - 70's-Style Songs 

..Which means: “Hey cool track, I'm going to pass this on. It may be usable to the TV/Film/Publishing pro that will hear it next."

From my album, "III".

A RANGE OF 1970s-Style SONGS with Male or Female Vocals are needed by a Major Publisher for an (up to) $30,000 placement in a new, upcoming Series on Netflix! 

NOTE: The sync fee we were quoted was $30,000. However, our experience tells us that the sync fee quoted for this placement is probably based on them licensing a Song from a well-known act through a big publisher like Sony or Universal. We think the sync fee will be lower (in the $2,500 to $5,000 range) for an unknown, independent act or for music licensed from a music library. It could go higher – we’re just being cautious and conservative. 

They’re open to hearing all 1970s styles/genres; however, they would especially love to hear some '70s Classic Rock, Pop, or Singer/Songwriter Songs. Due to the wide range of this request, we didn't include references as we felt they could potentially be more misleading or limiting, than helpful. 

Please submit Songs that capture the essence of the classic music released during the 1970s era. Your Songs can range anywhere from stripped-down performances to fuller productions with more instrumentation. Whichever genre or sub-genre you’re pitching, the music should sound have genre-appropriate instrumentation and productions. Be sure your vocals are well-performed from top to bottom, and your Songs have great lyrics and compelling choruses that bring it all home! 

NOTE: Recently recorded Songs with a retro sound OR authentic, vintage master recordings from the 1970s will both work for this request. 

Avoiding reference to specific names, dates, times, places, brands and profanity might give you some edge, but we don’t think it's an absolute necessity as this Song will likely be used as Background Source Music. Era-Appropriate Broadcast quality is needed.

Taxi Music Forward - Quirky Dramedy Instrumental Cue 

..Which means: “Hey cool track, I'm going to pass this on. It may be usable to the TV/Film/Publishing pro that will hear it next."

Seeming to be my forte, I bring you...

QUIRKY DRAMEDY INSTRUMENTAL CUES are needed by a Music Library with a bunch of really cool placements in TV Shows. 

NOTE: This company has just started requesting Music from TAXI's members. It’s very unlikely that you’ve got any music in their catalog, so this is a really good opportunity to build a new relationship with an awesome company! 

They’re looking for Mid-to-Up-Tempo Instrumental Cues that would fall in the general ballpark of the following references: 

“KUWTK”  (From 0:39 - 1:04) 

RHOBH | Bravo  (From 1:13 – 2:09) 

Please submit sneaky, quirky Instrumental Cues that you might hear when a prank is being played, or when a funny moment is happening in a scene. Use fun-sounding instruments, like pizzicato Strings, bells, piano (and maybe a tuba) to help you create something comedic, mischievous, and most of all fresh! Keep it fun and steer clear of anything that gets too dark, moody, or dramatic-sounding for this pitch. 

All submissions should clock in around 2 minutes, give or take. Non-Faded, Button/Stinger endings will work best for this request. Do NOT copy the referenced examples in any way, shape, or form. Broadcast Quality is needed. 

NOTE: If your Instrumental Cues are selected, please be prepared to submit alternate TV versions in the following formats: Full version, 30-second version, "no melody" version, "bass & drums only" version, and a stinger (5 sec) version. If you don’t have the ability to get your Alt-Mixes in the hands of the Music Library within 48 hours of being contacted, please don’t submit for this!

Taxi Music Forward - Dramedy with Middle Eastern Flavors 

..Which means: “Hey cool track, I'm going to pass this on. It may be usable to the TV/Film/Publishing pro that will hear it next."

Had a little fun with a virtual duduk, udu, dejembe, and baya. (Say, what?!)

A BUNCH of DRAMEDY INSTRUMENTAL CUES with MIDDLE EASTERN Flavor are needed by an International Music Library with worldwide distribution through Universal! 

NOTE: Due to the unique nature of this request, we purposely didn't include references as we felt they could potentially be more misleading or limiting than helpful. 

Please submit well-crafted Dramedy Instrumental Cues that utilize the instrumentation, rhythms, and melodies of the Middle East! Your submissions should tastefully blend Dramedy elements like Pizzicato strings, Piano, Violin, Clarinet, etc. with Middle Eastern instrumentation like Duduk, Ney, Santoor, Saz, Bouzouki, etc. 

NOTE: Although they’re open to Instrumental Cues that fall pretty much anywhere on the Dramedy spectrum, they DO NOT want to hear anything that sounds childish or child-like. 

Be sure to structure your Cues around a central melodic idea while layering instrumentation in and out as they progress to keep them moving forward with a developmental arc. Your submissions should be at least 2 minutes in length. Non-Faded, Buttoned/Stinger endings will work best for this pitch. Broadcast Quality is needed. 

IMPORTANT NOTE FROM THE CLIENT: "If you plan to incorporate 'ready-made' loops into your productions, please make sure each stem has at least 2 layers! That way, every loop has an additional layer that distinguishes it from the original ‘source’ loop.”